miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

We have met a lot of good friends, and know we know many diferencies of our countries. On de rest of the days we visited beautifull places in Stryn like a big glacier .We have spent a really good time there in Norway...

We stayed ther for 5 days, we were working about the Comenius´s thopic, doing Power Points that talk of our system of education in each country:

We are will show you our parthners, they were from Ireland, Germany, Italy and Norway. Here there are every student and every teacher that came with each country.

Our trip to Norway !


Hello ! We are Maria and Alicia and we are showing you how was our stay in Stryn, Norway.
We have learnt a lot of English, and the main reason was that we were all together in bungalows. I can say that the experienced has been awesome.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Welcome to the remix

Actually, in ITC our mates are making remixes, they have to mix two songs and create a new one.
They have worked on it so much and later we will show you all the proyects.
After doing it they are going to make a video with other mates.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

On the move to Norway

Hello we are Alicia y Maria and we are going to go to Norway the next May, 
We are very excited with this travel, we think that we will enjoy so much,  we will visit a lot of things in this country because it's an original country and with very beautiful things.
We want to meet a lot of people of the other countries and talk with them in english.We are going to accommodate in little houses in a camping, mix with other people from other countries like Italy, Germany and Ireland.

We hope we will enjoy so much this travel !

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013


In Spain we have two famous carnivals, one in Cadiz , in the South and the other in Las Palmas, Canarias Isles. In Cadiz, they sing 'chirigotas'. Those songs are made by them , and their lyrics talk about topicality .They're really funny !

In Las Palmas, they made a show called La Reina del Carnaval. Every model suits a huge colorful dress with fireworks and lights. It's a very special moment in their model's lifes.

Last Friday in the High School we've made our own show. Everybody dressed up ! In our class we dressed up like farmers, painters and in pyjamas like little girls. The teachers also dressed up with us ! Our computer's teacher, Moises, was dress up like a Buddhist monk.

We hope you enjoy this party ! :D

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

Hi!, we're the students of Profesor Julio Pérez, this project will last two years, from 2012 to 2014.
The project will develope with the collaboration of other four European countries (Norway, Italy, Ireland, Germany and Spain).

"Teaching methods on the move" has in common a topic: new methods for learning through new technology. Here, we can only write in english.

All the project is subsidy by the project's organisation.

We're going to talk here about the things that we do in our high school.
 See you soon ! :D