miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

We have met a lot of good friends, and know we know many diferencies of our countries. On de rest of the days we visited beautifull places in Stryn like a big glacier .We have spent a really good time there in Norway...

We stayed ther for 5 days, we were working about the Comenius´s thopic, doing Power Points that talk of our system of education in each country:

We are will show you our parthners, they were from Ireland, Germany, Italy and Norway. Here there are every student and every teacher that came with each country.

Our trip to Norway !


Hello ! We are Maria and Alicia and we are showing you how was our stay in Stryn, Norway.
We have learnt a lot of English, and the main reason was that we were all together in bungalows. I can say that the experienced has been awesome.